the latest re-cap…

by dre of on 23 August 2008


so a LOT of things have taken place…
  • sold the 1st ŏ – raise your kids, mens, large…
  • completed the photo shoot with the launch t-shirts…
  • business cards came in… they look clean…
  • created the facebook fansite…

things that are still underway…

  • website is still being developed… the back-in stuff is the final hurdle with that…
  • yet to set-up the new printer… it’s really too big to deal with right now… lol…
  • OKP & Lawn marketing (banner) ads has yet to be follow-up… need to do that ASAP…
  • still need to send the artists their shirts… (my bad, people…)
  • a whole host of other things need to be completed as well…


progress is being made!

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